Sunday, February 13, 2011

Busy Weekend

I've had pretty busy weekend.  Since I can't do as much as I would like at the gym due to my foot I thought I really should get organised and plan my meals for the coming week.  So yesterday I sat down and looked through my 3 Michelle Bridges books and all the recipes I printed from round 3 last year and worked out my meals for the week.  I then looked at what I could make today to freeze and reheat later and went shopping for the things I would need.

Today I went to the gym as I had a pt session booked.  We did only half cardio and half weights but used the exercise bike and the cross trainer for cardio.  After that I got stuck into the cooking.  I made Nat's Lasagne (from Round 3) and have put it portion sizes to put in the freezer.  I also made Spaghetti Bolognese (from Round 3 - with the Kangaroo mince option).  This is for tomorrow night's dinner for myself and the three kids.  It looks like there will be too much so the rest will be put into the freezer to use another night. 

I also cooked tonight's dinner for everyone else as I was going out for dinner with the Perth Crew. 

Dinner with the Perth Crew was at the Balmoral Hotel in Victoria Park.  We had about 45 people so a big crowd.  I opted to have a grilled fish with garden salad.  It was so filling.  I'm looking forward to us having another get-together later in the round and seeing how everyone is going with the program.

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